Red Pill – Part 6

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Originally posted on by zxcvzxcv on July 14, 2019
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Red Pill 3rd Edition PDF

Part 6: Jews

“Wait, so are you saying the Nazis were the good guys in WW2?!!”

Well, I am not saying this. The historical facts are saying this. I am just the guy who is pointing out the historical facts, and yes, that is correct: the historical facts demonstrate the Nazis were the good guys, at least in the sense any innocent person who tries to defend himself is the ‘good guy’.

Think of it like an analogy: the Nazis were like the little boy on the school playground who was bullied and was constantly hit and abused by the angry Jewish upperclassman. The Jewish bully stole the little Nazi boy’s lunch money day after day and as a result, was forced to go hungry day after day. He was shoved down and humiliated in front of his peers, day after day, until one day, the boy realized he simply could not and would not take this abuse any longer. He stood up from the dusty playground, balled his little fist, and with all the glorious passion his great heart could muster, that little Nazi struck back at the Jewish bully. But then that bully wailed and wailed and wailed. He wailed so loudly that his mother, the schoolyard teacher, came running over to his aid. “What a nasty and wicked and vile little Nazi he was for striking her poor innocent child!” she wailed. She wailed this so loudly and so long that the other teachers at school soon came to believer her. Nor would she be appeased until after they all united to expel forever from school that wicked and vile little Nazi boy.

Likewise, after Hitler’s retaliatory strike against the Jews, the Jewish international banking Kaballah wailed and wailed and wailed, and they will not be appeased until the entire Aryan race is genocided from this planet. They fear losing control. Hitler stood up to their bullying, and they got the school teachers of the entire world to unite to make an example out of him and his people.

For more information on Germany, Hitler and WW2, and for additional confirmation of the above historical facts, see the documentary: Greatest Story Never Told

This is a 6 hour documentary that was edited together from other WW2 documentaries. Although this resulted in a lower-quality work, this documentary itself is filled with vital facts and worth every minute of your time to watch.

Fact #5: (and the most insidious of them all) the Jews are still up to their dirty tricks today.

The Jews have decimated the Aryans from Germany, and they are even now trying to eliminate the last remnants of Aryans in Europe and the United States, and like the schoolyard teacher, they will not be appeased until all Aryans are wiped from the Earth.

Concerning Jewish involvement in the United States, I want to provide a brief history of Jewish subversion in American affairs. To begin, the American Revolution was not actually about throwing tea in the harbor to protest the high taxes of the English King George III; rather, it was about getting out from under the financial tyranny of the elite Jewish bankers who were preventing the colonists from controlling their own money supply:

And after winning the Revolution, Americans had won the ability to control their own money, and with it, they and won their freedom. For the next 100 years, the Americans lived free, though not without Jewish attempts to retake control over American currency. Eventually, after electing the most pro-Jewish president in American history [Wilson], in 1913, Americans once again lost their freedom when the international elite Jewish bankers created a private bank in the US that possessed the sole monopoly on issuing US currency. This privately owned Jewish bank was called the Federal Reserve in an attempt to deceive the masses into imagining it was somehow connected to a government entity.

After establishing the Federal Reserve, over the next century the Jewish banking elite proceeded to steal for themselves 95% of the value of every dollar that they issued [at interest] to the American people:

Using the proceeds from this stolen American wealth, the Jews bought control over key assets within the USA. First, they created a state of their own within the US (a state within a state).

This ‘state within a state’ was made of up elements within the FBI and CIA. It consisted of a group of Jewish Americans whose first loyalty was to the state of Israel and who, through their American citizenship, gained access to powerful positions within the CIA, FBI and other agencies. They used their positions of power to manipulate the thinking of American nationals:

“When EVERYTHING the American people believe is false.” Would ‘everything’ include the Holocaust? Would ‘everything’ include National Socialism? Would it include Hitler?

To further their agenda, the elite Jews used their stolen wealth to gain control over the US news media, social media and Hollywood. This was done to further seize control over the thoughts of Americans:

Controlling Americans through Hollywood:

Example of the impact the news media has over the minds of Americans:

‘Truth’ is now irrelevant in the news media

Here are examples of social media bias to support the Jewish Kalergi plan:

  • Saying that you want to, intend on, and will shoot, stab, rape and murder white people is completely allowed and NOT considered “hate speech” on Twitter:
  • Telling someone that you will find him and kill him “does not violate community standards” on Facebook
  • Telling others to ‘hunt and murder white people in order to bring about their total and complete genocide’ is perfectly OK and not considered “hate speech”:

On the contrary, saying that you support traditional marriage, well this is very clearly evil bigoted hatred, and your personal beliefs are so revolting and vile that they must be censored as hate-speech:

Saying, “It is okay to be white,” is obviously hate-speech, according to the Human Rights Commission:

How about saying the word: “Honk”??? …well, no question about it; that’s clearly hate-speech:

I saved the best for last: speechless music is “hate speech”:

Here are some examples of the lies pushed by the Jew-controlled media enclave:

Lie #1. Whites are a ‘majority’:

Lie #2. ‘White Pride’ is evil and racist:

Lie #3. Whites are ‘privileged’:

In reality, being “white” is a disadvantage, not a ‘privilege’:

Lie #4. Immigrants from the colored races are just like you white people and their only differences are socio-economic…so let them all into your countries:

You many not want to read this one:

Examples of how the Jew-controlled media pushes the Kalergi plan. Notice that time and time again in the media, it is suggested that white Aryan women are supposed to mate with African men:

However, notice what happens when it is suggested that Jewish women ought to mate with African men. Such posts are now suddenly considered vile ‘hate speech’ and must be censored:

The above censorship of Jewish race-mixing while simultaneously pushing Aryan race-mixing is intentional. It is the Kalergi plan in action. To make things worse, the Jews who are pushing this genocide of your children are using money stolen from your bank accounts and out of your tax dollars to accomplish it.

Effects of Kalergi plan:

A few examples of who is supporting and benefiting from the Kalergi plan:

But isn’t Israel our greatest ally? If Israeli is an ally of the United States, then why do Israeli Jews celebrate 9-11 as a victory over their enemies?

I wonder why pictures like these don’t make it to the US news?

Answer: Jews own the US news

I wonder why pictures like these don’t make it onto social media?

Answer: Jews own social media.

Certainly, the Jews do not have this much control over the American people! Someone would have said something, right?

Part 7: JFK, References

One reply on “Red Pill – Part 6”

That absolutely sickens me to the core and really don’t know how to combat this problem. I will fight to the death to help my family, nation, tribe and the Aryan race whenever the time comes, which will be soon I feel. I try to awaken people but it is very difficult as their minds are mush with decades of bullshit. Need to find like minded people near. I’m going fucking crazy!

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