Handsome Truth

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15 replies on “Handsome Truth”

Can’t say I can stand rap music, it truly sucks. I don’t support white power rap as it tells white kids that it is OK or cool to act like a nigger. It gets the message out but it’s still a part of a degenerate culture. But kudos to HT for at least doing something and keeping it legal. Prison is for niggers and spics. He will mature given time. If he was an agent and all that he would be telling people to violate laws and put themselves in situations which will get them into trouble. How about all you detractors shut the fuck up and do something better if you don’t like what he does. Don’t talk shit, just demonstrate by example. If you’re of worth those of quality will flock to you. You don’t have to bash others trying their part. Maybe wiggers need this shit before they’ll get disgusted by nigger culture

I hate rap, but our stupid nigger-brainwashed kids, do not. We must transition them off of it with our own, play on their work.

Call Handsome Truth what you like: agent, cringe, jew, based, whatever. Show me someone else in our lifetime who’s inspired the same amount of countrywide, real life activism.

This guy is the reason “hate speech” is going to be illegal in Florida. Two of his relatives claim he’s jewish, too. He hates on white women and harasses children on omegal like some creepy retard. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s being paid by someone to make us look bad. Rap music? Give me a break.

Oh really? HT is the reason Florida is making hate speech illegal? Because I was pretty sure it was THE FUCKING KIKES who were doing that. My bad.

Why do you give a shit about free speech anyway? Your buck broken ass is clearly too afraid to ever use it. Keep doing and saying only what the Jew deems acceptable. I’m sure that’ll work out for you. Zero shekels have been deposited in your account, suck on a Zyklon pellet, have a good day, sir.

LMAO be more defensive Handsome Truth – your history is SUS and all of a sudden you magically realize this “truth” and start to work towards it to the exclusion of everything else out of nowhere? I dont buy it and neither should any other person with a non room temperature IQ

If anything at all he’s a based shill and hypocrite. Easy to spot. Troublemaker and works for the jew. Easy prey. Sub-zeros don’t see it tho.

Guy’s old name was “Lil Wop” – claims he is Anglo now. This guy screams jewish puppet faggot

Lil Wop , would be derogatory towards Italians. So what you are insinuating is that ONLY the English can be “Anglo”. For the rest of this argument ill stray from the actual definition of Anglo, and Define it as “White European”. Why not just listen to the words that are spoken, vs stare at his picture and try to find his credit history, first street he lived on , blah blah blah. Quit dividing Jew. We are (By far) the largest population of able bodied men in this country and a fuse can only be so long before the bomb blows up.

If you have children, home school them or send them to a private school that will have nothing to do with common core. CC is making our kids into fucking retards.

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