Red Pill – Part 5

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Originally posted on by zxcvzxcv on July 14, 2019
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Red Pill 3rd Edition PDF

Part 5: Nazis

I am hoping that by this point I have convinced you the Holocaust (the intentional destruction of the Jewish race by Nazi Germany) has been fabricated to disguise the fact that the war against Germany was contrived by Jewish bankers in order to defeat Germany’s economy before the rest of the world woke up to the idea of freeing themselves from their tyrannical usury. However, if you still have lingering doubts about whether or not the Holocaust happened, feel free to visit the following website for additional verification of these facts:

Regardless as to your beliefs of the holocaust, I wanted to ensure you were given the above link as a reference. It contains an overwhelming amount of invaluable primary-source information on the subject.

After speaking with various Germans he had taken prisoner, and after witnessing the atrocities committed upon the Germany people by the Bolshevik Jews who captured Berlin, US General George S. Patton realized that the United States defeated the wrong enemy. Patton felt the U.S. should have allied with Germany to destroy the Bolshevik Jews.

[added by]

For his beliefs, the Jews had Patton assassinated. Why was the greatest US General smeared in the US media and then murdered? He was killed for the same reason Hitler was killed: “The best of the Gentiles should be killed.” -Abodah Zara 26b

The best Gentiles pose a threat to Jewish world domination. Therefore, they must die.

“Ok, so the Nazis didn’t start WW2. They were simply defending themselves from the tyranny of oppressive Jewish bankers hell-bent on world domination. Moreover, the Nazis didn’t actually intentionally kill any one. They did not even intentionally kill the Jews; despite the fact the Jews had actually been intentionally massacring Germans in the Danzig Corridor. But, weren’t the Nazis still evil racists since they thought they were Aryan supermen and therefore better than everyone else?”

Actually, this is not true either. The Nazis simply wanted to live free, but they also wanted this for all races, not just the Aryans:

“But what about all of those pictures of those evil Nazis doing all of those evil Nazi things to other people?”

Actually, those are fake images created by the Jewish Bolsheviks as part of their propaganda efforts. In fact, the following image is actually what first caused me to doubt what I had learned in school about WW2. When I saw this image, I recognized several of the photos in the left column from my high school class about the Holocaust. When I then realized that the images on the right were originals (e.g. when the female was added to the 4th image down, the gun on the truck behind her was removed so as to better accentuate the female by making her profile more pronounced and startling; this would only have been done if the image on the left had been faked for the purpose of causing a negative emotional effect on the viewer). Since these images on the left were fake, and since they were being used to “educate” people in American schools, it caused me to wonder why “faked” images were even necessary. After all, if the Nazis actually did commit mass-atrocities, then certainly there must exist images of them committing said atrocities, and so faked atrocities should not be necessary. There should only exist faked atrocities if the Nazis never committed mass-atrocities. And yet, the fakes do exist…

Then there is the actual mass-atrocities committed by the Jewish Bolsheviks, such as when the Bolsheviks dressed up in German uniforms and then took photos of themselves committing war crimes to be later used as propaganda:

Notice the soviet gun in hand of the shooter, and also notice the men in the photo had distinctive narrow facial structures often seen in eastern Europe as opposed to the wider facial structures which are more often seen in Germans:

Historical Fact #3: all of the terrible things we are told the Nazis did during WW2 were actually committed by the Jewish Communists:

  • Holdomor = a real holocaust of Ukrainians
  • Torchman command = real holocaust of more Ukrainians
  • Danzig Corridor = real holocaust of Germans
  • Churchhill demanding war when Hitler sought peace with the British
  • British air bombing of civilian targets
  • French enslavement of Germans at the Ruhr
  • Eisenhower death camps = real holocaust of Germans
  • American bombing of civilian targets, including German supply routes that caused mass-starvation in the concentration camps 
  • and many others…

When I realized that everything I had been taught about Hitler and the Nazis was a lie, it made me wonder what the Nazis really were like? After a bit of research, I learned the interesting fact that they are not even called Nazis. They are National Socialists. The fact most people do not even know the real name of the Nazis is a good indication that something foul is afoot. How is one supposed to perform proper research about National Socialism if one does not even know National Socialism exists? If one researches Nazis (instead of National Socialism), one’s research will be limited to only the Bolshevik and American propaganda which was created about the Nazis, and one will never locate the real historical accounts of National Socialism.

This is intentional.

So, what is a National Socialist?

To be a “Nazi”, one must desire unity among his family, friends, and fellow citizens. He must establish equality of rights among his people, the securing of private property for the individual, and he ought to aspire to the practice of honorable citizenship in the patriotic service of his people. A Nazi is someone who opposes illegal immigration, and is vehemently against abortion, which only serves to hinder the growth and strength of families. A Nazi must have a desire to fervently work to improve the lives of his children, must support traditional family values while promoting individual responsibly. A Nazi strives for free-market capitalism by opposing economic policies based upon either monopolies or socialism. He is also against any form of slavery, particularly financial slavery commonly called ‘usury’. Nazis expect that children ought to help their parents and those that went before them, just as the parents ought to help their children and those who come after them. To be a Nazi, one must uphold righteous law by opposing immoral criminal behavior of every kind, and take the necessary steps to prevent immorality, decadence, lasciviousness and depravity. A Nazi opposes degeneracy in all of its forms, whether moral degenerate acts, or the degeneracy of ill health within his people, and actively work to eliminate both. He must also expect that children deserve and should receive an education worthy of their ability, and one that is capable of helping those children to become patriots and soldiers who are willing and able to defend their families against foreign aggressors, domestic criminals, and anyone else who seeks to harm their people. Nazis believe in living a healthy lifestyle. They understand that no one is perfect, but that excellence should always be pursued. Nazis believe that lies and deception in all forms should be opposed. A Nazi is one who is willing to sacrifice even his own life if it is for the good of the community. And above all, a Nazi loves freedom and will put his belief of God into practice by working to protect, strengthen and secure the future of his noble race.

If you agree with any of these ideals, you are probably a Nazi.

As an illustration of what a Nazi is likely to look like today, Reddit has provided the following image. It shows a group of evil Nazis posing in front of the camera. Moreover, this is not a group of just any old Nazis, but rather, it is a group of FULL NAZIS! In this following image, you will clearly see the unwarranted support of evil nationalism that they portray. You will also see in this picture the evil racist homogeneity of ethnicity that these FULL Nazis love so much, as well as the violent evil smirking with which these kinds of evil Nazis have infected this world. Moreover, the evil smirking of these Nazis is accented by the evil flag that they are holding aloft, apparently for some, unknown but certainly vile and evil Nazi reason:

That uppity FULL Nazi gang in the above picture certainly looks like they are preparing to commit some terrible shoah upon many poor innocent and unsuspecting Jews. They are likely planning on killing those poor Jews with penis-smashing machines and then turn them into ladies gloves after feeding them to bears and putting them in a death roller coaster that drops them off into an Indiana Jones-style death trap room, after which, their babies will be gassed in death showers.

Now, if you think such a thing is ridiculous and absolutely unbelievable, well…

Jewish claims about Jew-penis-smashing machines:

Jewish claims about Jew-skin soap:

Jewish claims about Jew-eating bears:

Jewish claims about death roller coasters built on an incline:

Jewish claims about Indiana Jones-style death traps:

Jewish claims about gassing Jew-babies:

Actual real photographs of Jewish babies at the internment camps:

Part 6: Jews

4 replies on “Red Pill – Part 5”

On top of this most excellent exposé of the devious, murderous, pathologically repugnant, malignant lying JEW.
I feel it important to mention just how FEROCIOUSLY ugly and repellent Jews are in appearance. There are some hideous looking Goblins around who are instantly recognizable as nasty, avaricious meddling kikes.
Take Chuck Schumer for example or that thing Rachel Maddow, ewgghhh🤢🤮 When I picture the devil … It’s just a red tinted YID and I bet you do too! It’s because the kike is intrinsically evil. The synagogue of Satan indeed. No people who are so HIDEOUSLY EYE-WOUNDINGLY REVOLTING can possibly be a benign race. Just disgusting. Vomit inducing.
In fact they SHOULD be referred to as EMETIC rather than SEMITIC.

“A Nazi strives for free-market capitalism by opposing economic policies based upon either monopolies or socialism.”

Isn’t National Socialist the same as National socialism? just want to make that sentance clear.

A National Socialist, is someone who follows/believes in National Socialism. Same thing, just a difference in grammar.

Good question. State socialism already had a history in Germany and had a lot of supporters. The party name (NSDAP) and red in the flag were both designed to poach from the other established “workers” parties. Herr Goebbels in his pamphlet “Those Damned Nazis” explains how their National(ist) Socialism wasn’t just another class struggle power grab bound to disappoint the plebs:

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